How To Manicure Your Nails by Lynn Tan / posted on Tuesday, November 16, 2010 @ 6:34 AM
I have always waited for the end of the year to officially polish,manicure , pamper and lotsa more to do on my nails.=p I have found out a way of my own to do manicure.Guess that most of the girls out there have known of a way to manicure. Here,i am going to share my ways.....
If you do not have any nail polish,please buy it FIRST..Choose the colour that you like the most. Black will be the best 'background' but you will look like a witch.
Apply the nail polish as the first layer of your nail. make sure it is smooth and does not smear. After approximately 5 minutes , IF you are not patienceand you want your nail to dry fast,then you should wash your hand with water..AND it will dry faster..Trust me..I have try it!
Then apply a coat of transparent nail polish if you want to enhance its 'SHINES'
Buy colourful diamond sticker or whatever design that you want. Then stick it on your nails.Let your creativity go wild!
Lastly,apply a coat of transparent nail polish on top of the diamond sticker that you have stick on your nail. This will make sure your sticker will NOT dropped off so fast..At least it will last for 1 to 2 weeks.
My left hand
My right hand